Posts in weddings
Rebekah & David's Downtown Hamilton Beach Wedding

Allow me to introduce you to Rebekah & Dave Ronald, two great friend I met at church. I still remember sitting in House of Wings chatting to Rebekah the first time, talking about her engagement when I showed her my photographs, and then later that Christmas, in front of the cozy fireplace, she and Dave asked me to be their photographer, and I couldn't have been more excited. I got to attend Rebekah's bridal showers, dress shopping, meeting the wedding party, and all the events that led up to the wedding. It's fair to say, I got to do this whole wedding journey with Rebekah & Dave, and although it was a times hard, it has been a wonderful journey. Their day forecasted loads of rain, but by grace it held out, and became the best day! The emotional moments of her seeing herself for the first time, her dad watching her come down the stairs, and all the fun couple photographs on the beach. This was a special day,  thank you Rebekah & Dave for allowing me to experience it with you!

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